Bookkeeping software – LPB style

As a bookkeeper, having a favourite bookkeeping software is almost like having a favourite hotplate for cooking on. No one talks about it, but we all have one. That’s not to say it’s the best, just that it’s our favourite. LPB’s brand colours represent our favourite three, Xero, MYOB and QBO, in that order. Every now and then we make a different recommendation to meet your unique bookkeeping needs or…  Read more

Here’s why you should separate your business and personal bank accounts

First and foremost, if you are a corporation or a limited liability company, a separate bank account is required by law (see for more detail). For everyone else, it is simply good business practice. Why? Transparency of business profits, expenses and deductions Clear and separate business records make it much easier to see whether your business is making a profit or draining your personal bank account. It also makes…  Read more

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